Source code for djangocms_installer.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import argparse
import locale
import os.path
import sys
import warnings
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

import pytz
import six

from .. import compat, utils
from ..utils import less_than_version, supported_versions
from . import data, ini
from .internal import DbAction, validate_project

[docs]def parse(args): """ Define the available arguments """ from tzlocal import get_localzone try: timezone = get_localzone() if isinstance(timezone, pytz.BaseTzInfo): timezone = except Exception: # pragma: no cover timezone = 'UTC' if timezone == 'local': timezone = 'UTC' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Bootstrap a django CMS project. Major usage modes: - wizard: djangocms -w -p /path/whatever project_name: ask for all the options through a CLI wizard. - batch: djangocms project_name: runs with the default values plus any additional option provided (see below) with no question asked. - config file: djangocms_installer --config-file /path/to/config.ini project_name: reads values from an ini-style config file. Check for detailed usage information. """, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--config-file', dest='config_file', action='store', default=None, help='Configuration file for djangocms_installer') parser.add_argument('--config-dump', dest='config_dump', action='store', default=None, help='Dump configuration file with current args') parser.add_argument('--db', '-d', dest='db', action=DbAction, default='sqlite://localhost/project.db', help='Database configuration (in URL format). ' 'Example: sqlite://localhost/project.db') parser.add_argument('--i18n', '-i', dest='i18n', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='yes', help='Activate Django I18N / L10N setting; this is ' 'automatically activated if more than ' 'language is provided') parser.add_argument('--use-tz', '-z', dest='use_timezone', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='yes', help='Activate Django timezone support') parser.add_argument('--timezone', '-t', dest='timezone', required=False, default=timezone, action='store', help='Optional default time zone. Example: Europe/Rome') parser.add_argument('--reversion', '-e', dest='reversion', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='yes', help='Install and configure reversion support ' '(only for django CMS 3.2 and 3.3)') parser.add_argument('--permissions', dest='permissions', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='no', help='Activate CMS permission management') parser.add_argument('--pip-options', help='pass custom pip options', default='') parser.add_argument('--languages', '-l', dest='languages', action='append', help='Languages to enable. Option can be provided multiple times, or as a ' 'comma separated list. Only language codes supported by Django can ' 'be used here. Example: en, fr-FR, it-IT') parser.add_argument('--django-version', dest='django_version', action='store', choices=data.DJANGO_SUPPORTED, default=data.DJANGO_DEFAULT, help='Django version') parser.add_argument('--cms-version', '-v', dest='cms_version', action='store', choices=data.DJANGOCMS_SUPPORTED, default=data.DJANGOCMS_DEFAULT, help='django CMS version') parser.add_argument('--parent-dir', '-p', dest='project_directory', default='', action='store', help='Optional project parent directory') parser.add_argument('--bootstrap', dest='bootstrap', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='no', help='Use Bootstrap 4 Theme') parser.add_argument('--templates', dest='templates', action='store', default='no', help='Use custom template set') parser.add_argument('--starting-page', dest='starting_page', action='store', choices=('yes', 'no'), default='no', help='Load a starting page with examples after installation ' '(english language only). Choose "no" if you use a ' 'custom template set.') parser.add_argument(dest='project_name', action='store', help='Name of the project to be created') # Command that lists the supported plugins in verbose description parser.add_argument('--list-plugins', '-P', dest='plugins', action='store_true', help='List plugins that\'s going to be installed and configured') # Command that lists the supported plugins in verbose description parser.add_argument('--dump-requirements', '-R', dest='dump_reqs', action='store_true', help='It dumps the requirements that would be installed according to ' 'parameters given. Together with --requirements argument is useful ' 'for customizing the virtualenv') # Advanced options. These have a predefined default and are not asked # by config wizard. parser.add_argument('--no-input', '-q', dest='noinput', action='store_true', default=True, help='Don\'t run the configuration wizard, just use the ' 'provided values') parser.add_argument('--wizard', '-w', dest='wizard', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run the configuration wizard') parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Be more verbose and don\'t swallow subcommands output') parser.add_argument('--filer', '-f', dest='filer', action='store_true', default=True, help='Install and configure django-filer plugins ' '- Always enabled') parser.add_argument('--requirements', '-r', dest='requirements_file', action='store', default=None, help='Externally defined requirements file') parser.add_argument('--no-deps', '-n', dest='no_deps', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t install package dependencies') parser.add_argument('--no-plugins', dest='no_plugins', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t install plugins') parser.add_argument('--no-db-driver', dest='no_db_driver', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t install database package') parser.add_argument('--no-sync', '-m', dest='no_sync', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t run syncdb / migrate after bootstrapping') parser.add_argument('--no-user', '-u', dest='no_user', action='store_true', default=False, help='Don\'t create the admin user') parser.add_argument('--template', dest='template', action='store', default=None, help='The path or URL to load the django project ' 'template from.') parser.add_argument('--extra-settings', dest='extra_settings', action='store', default=None, help='The path to an file that contains extra settings.') parser.add_argument('--skip-empty-check', '-s', dest='skip_project_dir_check', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip the check if project dir is empty.') parser.add_argument('--delete-project-dir', '-c', dest='delete_project_dir', action='store_true', default=False, help='Delete project directory on creation failure.') parser.add_argument('--utc', dest='utc', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use UTC timezone.') if '--utc' in args: for action in parser._positionals._actions: if action.dest == 'timezone': action.default = 'UTC' # If config_args then pretend that config args came from the stdin and run parser again. config_args = ini.parse_config_file(parser, args) args = parser.parse_args(config_args + args) if not args.wizard: args.noinput = True else: args.noinput = False if not args.project_directory: args.project_directory = args.project_name args.project_directory = os.path.abspath(args.project_directory) # First of all, check if the project name is valid if not validate_project(args.project_name): sys.stderr.write( 'Project name "{0}" is not valid or it\'s already defined. ' 'Please use only numbers, letters and underscores.\n'.format(args.project_name) ) sys.exit(3) # Checking the given path setattr(args, 'project_path', os.path.join(args.project_directory, args.project_name).strip()) if not args.skip_project_dir_check: if (os.path.exists(args.project_directory) and [path for path in os.listdir(args.project_directory) if not path.startswith('.')]): sys.stderr.write( 'Path "{0}" already exists and is not empty, please choose a different one\n' 'If you want to use this path anyway use the -s flag to skip this check.\n' ''.format(args.project_directory) ) sys.exit(4) if os.path.exists(args.project_path): sys.stderr.write( 'Path "{0}" already exists, please choose a different one\n'.format(args.project_path) ) sys.exit(4) if args.config_dump and os.path.isfile(args.config_dump): sys.stdout.write( 'Cannot dump because given configuration file "{0}" exists.\n'.format(args.config_dump) ) sys.exit(8) args = _manage_args(parser, args) # what do we want here?! # * if languages are given as multiple arguments, let's use it as is # * if no languages are given, use a default and stop handling it further # * if languages are given as a comma-separated list, split it and use the # resulting list. if not args.languages: try: args.languages = [locale.getdefaultlocale()[0].split('_')[0]] except Exception: # pragma: no cover args.languages = ['en'] elif isinstance(args.languages, six.string_types): args.languages = args.languages.split(',') elif len(args.languages) == 1 and isinstance(args.languages[0], six.string_types): args.languages = args.languages[0].split(',') args.languages = [lang.strip().lower() for lang in args.languages] if len(args.languages) > 1: args.i18n = 'yes' args.filer = True # Convert version to numeric format for easier checking try: django_version, cms_version = supported_versions(args.django_version, args.cms_version) cms_package = data.PACKAGE_MATRIX.get( cms_version, data.PACKAGE_MATRIX[data.DJANGOCMS_LTS] ) except RuntimeError as e: # pragma: no cover sys.stderr.write(compat.unicode(e)) sys.exit(6) if django_version is None: # pragma: no cover sys.stderr.write( 'Please provide a Django supported version: {0}. Only Major.Minor ' 'version selector is accepted\n'.format(', '.join(data.DJANGO_SUPPORTED)) ) sys.exit(6) if cms_version is None: # pragma: no cover sys.stderr.write( 'Please provide a django CMS supported version: {0}. Only Major.Minor ' 'version selector is accepted\n'.format(', '.join(data.DJANGOCMS_SUPPORTED)) ) sys.exit(6) default_settings = '{}.settings'.format(args.project_name) env_settings = os.environ.get('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', default_settings) if env_settings != default_settings: sys.stderr.write( '`DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` is currently set to \'{0}\' which is not compatible with ' 'djangocms installer.\nPlease unset `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` and re-run the installer ' '\n'.format(env_settings) ) sys.exit(10) if not getattr(args, 'requirements_file'): requirements = [] # django CMS version check if args.cms_version == 'develop': requirements.append(cms_package) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('develop', 'django CMS')) elif args.cms_version == 'rc': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(cms_package) elif args.cms_version == 'beta': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(cms_package) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('beta', 'django CMS')) else: requirements.append(cms_package) if args.cms_version in ('rc', 'develop'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['cms-master']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.7'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['cms-3.7']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.6'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['cms-3.6']) if not args.no_db_driver: if args.db_driver == 'psycopg2' and django_version in ('1.11', '2.0', '2.1'): requirements.append('psycopg2<2.8') else: requirements.append(args.db_driver) if not args.no_plugins: if args.cms_version in ('rc', 'develop'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['plugins-master']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.7'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['plugins-3.7']) elif LooseVersion(cms_version) >= LooseVersion('3.6'): requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['plugins-3.6']) requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['filer']) # Django version check if args.django_version == 'develop': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(data.DJANGO_DEVELOP) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('develop', 'Django')) elif args.django_version == 'beta': # pragma: no cover requirements.append(data.DJANGO_BETA) warnings.warn(data.VERSION_WARNING.format('beta', 'Django')) else: requirements.append('Django<{0}'.format(less_than_version(django_version))) if django_version == '2.2': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-2.2']) elif django_version == '2.1': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-2.1']) elif django_version == '2.0': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-2.0']) elif django_version == '1.11': requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['django-1.11']) requirements.extend(data.REQUIREMENTS['default']) setattr(args, 'requirements', '\n'.join(requirements).strip()) # Convenient shortcuts setattr(args, 'cms_version', cms_version) setattr(args, 'django_version', django_version) setattr(args, 'settings_path', os.path.join(args.project_directory, args.project_name, '').strip()) setattr(args, 'urlconf_path', os.path.join(args.project_directory, args.project_name, '').strip()) if args.config_dump: ini.dump_config_file(args.config_dump, args, parser) return args
[docs]def get_settings(): module = __import__(str('djangocms_installer.config'), globals(), locals(), [str('settings')]) return module.settings
[docs]def write_default(config): pass
[docs]def show_plugins(): """ Shows a descriptive text about supported plugins """ sys.stdout.write(compat.unicode(data.PLUGIN_LIST_TEXT))
[docs]def show_requirements(args): """ Prints the list of requirements according to the arguments provided """ sys.stdout.write(compat.unicode(args.requirements))
def _manage_args(parser, args): """ Checks and validate provided input """ for item in data.CONFIGURABLE_OPTIONS: action = parser._option_string_actions[item] choices = default = '' input_value = getattr(args, action.dest) new_val = None # cannot count this until we find a way to test input if not args.noinput: # pragma: no cover if action.choices: choices = ' (choices: {0})'.format(', '.join(action.choices)) if input_value: if type(input_value) == list: default = ' [default {0}]'.format(', '.join(input_value)) else: default = ' [default {0}]'.format(input_value) while not new_val: prompt = '{0}{1}{2}: '.format(, choices, default) if action.choices in ('yes', 'no'): new_val = utils.query_yes_no(prompt) else: new_val = compat.input(prompt) new_val = compat.clean(new_val) if not new_val and input_value: new_val = input_value if new_val and action.dest == 'templates': if new_val != 'no' and not os.path.isdir(new_val): sys.stdout.write('Given directory does not exists, retry\n') new_val = False if new_val and action.dest == 'db': action(parser, args, new_val, action.option_strings) new_val = getattr(args, action.dest) else: if not input_value and action.required: raise ValueError( 'Option {0} is required when in no-input mode'.format(action.dest) ) new_val = input_value if action.dest == 'db': action(parser, args, new_val, action.option_strings) new_val = getattr(args, action.dest) if action.dest == 'templates' and (new_val == 'no' or not os.path.isdir(new_val)): new_val = False if action.dest in ('bootstrap', 'starting_page'): new_val = (new_val == 'yes') setattr(args, action.dest, new_val) return args