1. I need to use version foo of package blargh, while the installer want to use version baz, how can I solve this?

    Use Dump mode to dump the requirements used by the installer, customize them and pass them again to the installer for the installation run

  2. Packages are not correctly installed / missing in my environment

    If you’re using Debina / Ubuntu, chances are that the version of pip in the virtualenv is outdated and cannot connect with PyPi. Usually upgrading pip in the virtualenv before running djangocms-installer fixes the issue:

    pip install -U pip
  3. After installing the virtualenv, the installer exit with “Pillow is not compiled with … support” / “Pillow is not installed” errors, what can I do?

    Pillow can be a bit tricky in some environments, so please check the “Libraries installation issues” section for more detailed help.

  4. I followed the advices above, but I keep having the same messages!

    Checking for correct Pillow installation can be a bit tricky: installer try to be smart but it may sometimes fail and report Pillow errors while errors lie somewhere else. In this case, please open an issue on github project, or ask in the #django-cms IRC channel.

  5. How can I configure the database to use?

    djangocms-installer uses dj-database-url to get database configuration parameters; refer to this package for more details.

  6. The installer dies with an error like ImportError: Could not import settings 'foo.bar.settings' (Is it on sys.path? Is there an import error in the settings file?): No module named foo.bar.settings, what’s happening?

    Chances are you have DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set in you environment, either by default or using postactivate virtualenv hooks or other tools; please check you environment right after the error happening (for example using the env command on *nix systems) and remove any customisation: the installer requires that DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is not set on the first run. You can customise it later.